Prince Albert statue Wolverhampton

We're here to help

Whether you'd like to share feedback about health and social care services, or you're looking for local support - get in touch. We're here to help.  

Get in touch

Please enter your name
Give your message to us a title
Please give a brief description of why you are contacting us today. This form is for general queries only and should not be used to share personal experiences of health and social care.

Other ways to contact us

Call: 0800 246 5018 between the hours of 09:00 – 17:00 Monday to Friday.

Post: Healthwatch Wolverhampton, Regent House, Second Floor, Bath Avenue, Wolverhampton, WV1 4EG


Media enquires

If you have a media enquiry please contact Shona Holt, Communications Lead for Healthwatch Wolverhampton, on 01225 701851 or email