Why we make a difference

Healthwatch Wolverhampton is your local health and social care champion. We listen to what you tell us about your experience, what needs to be improved and what you want for the future. 

We're independent, so people trust us to say what they think. People tell us about NHS and social care services, giving us a unique understanding of what's happening. 

Tell us your experience

Reaching out to our local community

We believe those who make decisions about health and social care can best improve services if they listen to people's experiences and feedback. We want everyone in Wolverhampton to be included in the conversation, so we strive to hear from as wide a range of people as possible from our diverse community. We share your views with those providing health and care services to help create positive change. 

We understand that factors such as culture, location, wealth, education, environment and discrimination can lead to worse health outcomes, and we support the strong consensus that this must change. At Healthwatch, we stand ready to help by doing more to amplify the voices of communities that go unheard and reduce the barriers they face. 

Doctor talking to patient

Improving access to GPs in Wolverhampton

People have told us they find it difficult to get an appointment with their GP. We regularly investigate people’s experiences of booking appointments over the phone or website to monitor changes over time and identify where improvements are needed.

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Improving support for people with autism

We shed light on the experiences of people waiting for assessment and post diagnosis, identifying key issues and concerns and how these affect people’s mental health and wellbeing. This will inform and influence Wolverhampton’s new Autism Strategy.

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