Young people’s mental health support
A new NHS text messaging service has been launched in Wolverhampton for young people aged between 11 and 19. By texting 07507 332 631 young people can chat to a school nurse to get confidential advice, support and signposting for a wide range of health and wellbeing issues.
These include:
- Staying healthy
- Worries about the lockdown and COVID-19
- Bullying
- Anxiety, emotions and anger
- Social media
- Body image and identity
- Smoking, alcohol and drugs
- Sexual health and contraception
- Sleep
All messages sent to 07506 332 631 will be sent an automatic message explaining where to get help if their question is urgent and when they can expect a response from a school nurse.
ChatHealth is available 9.30am to 4.30pm, Monday to Friday (except bank holidays). They aim to respond to texts within 24 hours. If the text is received outside of these hours, they will aim to respond on the next working day.
For medical help and advice outside of these hours, users are advised to call their GP, visit an NHS walk-in centre or call 111, or dial 999 or visit A&E if it is an emergency.
More Support:
Other website resources are available from the Black Country Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust: