Enter and View: The Gem Centre
This was an announced Enter and View visit which was conducted to observe the children and adolescent services provided by Royal Wolverhampton Trust, Wolverhampton City Council and Black Country Partnership NHS Foundation Trust.
Summary of Findings
Facilities include: Child Development Centre, Physiotherapy and Occupational Health Unit, specialist hearing service, visual impairment service and blood clinic. We were shown around the centre and spoke to the Assistant Directorate Manager, Divisional Medical Director and various staff at the centre. Unfortunately, we were not able to talk to any patients or parents. Recommendations:
- Notices and information to patients/carers about how to lodge complaints and about the role and function of PALS.
- Information about how individuals/carers can join focus groups, aims and frequency of meetings.
- Clarity about how issues raised in the various groups are taken up by management, discussed and resolved by managers and communicated back to the various focus groups.
- Transfer information provided on the “pull ups” to the ground floor. The notice of staff (leads/heads of department) could also be there.
- Suggestion boxes need to be more visible in prominent areas and information stands frequently updated.
This report was produced by the previous Healthwatch Wolverhampton service provider, Engaging Communities Solutions CIC.
Read our report
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