This year marks the fourth annual Advocacy Awareness Week (1-7 November 2021) and the theme this year is #AdvocacyinAction. We want to remind people about what advocacy is, how it works best and how it has already helped people in our communities to live their lives.
Your mental wellness is as important as your physical health but seeking help can be daunting. Here's what to expect when you seek support for your mental health.
In this Annual Report we share our key challenges and successes, how we responded to COVID-19 and continued to gather the views of the public during the pandemic.
Pride month is a celebration of the LGBT+ community and is held in June to commemorate the Stonewall riots in 1969 and the subsequent work of countless people to further the rights of LGBT+ people around the world since then, making society a more equal and just place to live for all of us.
NHS Digital have recently announced plans to allow an NHS system to extract patient data from GP surgeries in England. The new data-sharing system was due to start in July, with the public being able to opt-out but has now been pushed back to 1 September.
Healthwatch England explored vaccine confidence amongst people from African, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, and Pakistani backgrounds to understand the barriers to vaccination and to make sure key lessons are taken forward for future public health campaigns.
Over the past 14 months our staff team have been volunteering their time to support their communities. Today we are celebrating the impact they made. From delivering prescriptions to making befriending phone calls – the team have been working hard to offer support.
This Volunteers’ Week we are celebrating Power of Youth Day. Today is an annual celebration of young people that contribute to society by volunteering. Join us in celebrating all our Youth Healthwatch Volunteers and Work Experience Students, past and present.
A time to say thank you; this week we are celebrating our volunteers who make a difference to health and social care services in Wolverhampton. Volunteers' Week is celebrated nationally every year, between 1 to 7 June.
People have told us they want to feel listened to and involved in decisions about their social care. Here are six things you should expect from care services, according to new guidelines.